About Us


How We Started…

This idea came out of an experiment to use up old sap buckets. The local sugar bush I was working for made the decision to switch from using sap buckets to a simpler bag and tubing method to collect the sap.

I recognized that more and more syrup producers were also going to be switching methods and disposing of their buckets too! The buckets that I now design come from sugar bushes located all over in Wisconsin and states out east.  Many maple syrup businesses now collect sap using other means and I turn the buckets into décor people can use around their homes!

I enjoy creating different designs and seeing how people decorate their own individual bucket.  My family and friends are what has made this business become what it is today.  Without their help, this wouldn’t be possible.

Besides sap buckets, I also design and cut old milk cans, gas cans, saws, and just about any vintage metal bringing life back into something that others may view as “old.”  I’m always experimenting with new things to see what more I can create.

Check out my store to view and shop my buckets and other creations!